Elisabeth"s Classes:
TRAVEL EASEL the Cezzane half box is pictured below, but there are many great options available online.
some suggestions: Strada Easel,
Bottom Drawer is perfect for brush storage
Top Drawer for paint and paper towels
PAINTS - "Artist Grade" oil paint of your choice
- NAPTHOL RED (or Cadmium red light)
Feel free to add any colors you'd like to have along.
SUPPORT - light weight, small panels can be picked up from a number of sources- "Raymar", "Sourcetek", and of course "Jerry's Artarama."
5-8 panels around 8x10in. for plein air painting. This is a good size to be able to finish in a typical plein air class, but if you'd like to bring more, or bigger panels, you are welcomed to do so. Pictured below is my panel stack ready for travel. I've already placed sheets of waxed paper between the panels. After they are finished paintings, I simply stack them back up with the same waxed paper between them. I also make sure they are secured together and protected around the outside with either bubble wrap or extra pants.
I've used MANY different kinds over the years, and continue to change them up regularily. Stay away from Winsor Newton "Winton" brushes. they tend to lose their shape and "puff out" quickly.
The basic shapes are: Flat, Bright, Filbert, and Round.
A starter set might include 2 ea. of flats in sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 and few rounds in sizes 2, 4 or 6, also a couple of filberts in 6 or 8 would be a good add. Check out Rosemary Brushes for really good quality at reasonable prices- a USA distributor is windriverarts.com
PAPER TOWELS - Viva select-a-size are good. wrap some around a brush to save room in packing
PALETTE - the best solution for a hands-free plein air pallet: Take an 11x14 sized panel, wrap & tape it in Freezer Paper (shiny side up) Clamp it onto the drawer of your easel (big clamps are $1 at Home Depot) when finished painting, wipe the mixing area clean and cover the remaining paint daubes with Glad "Press and Seal." I have successfully used the same freezer paper for a full week of daily painting. Bring some extra freezer paper in case yours does not last as long! Freezer paper and Press and Seal can also be wrapped on a brush to save space in packing.
Needs to be empty and clean for travel- turpentine, turpenoid, and mediums like Liquin are NOT allowed on airlines.
artists' paint thinner will be supplied at retreat
OTHER STUFF: digital camera, hat, wind breaker, suntan lotion, bug spray, mini flashlight